Article Feature: Listening, The Unsung Hero of Learning & Connection

As an educator and founder, Liz builds transformative experiences so students can become agents of change in the world. In this article, she reflects on the one change-making skill that we are not directly taught: Listening.

My first day of class goes something like this:

"Who was taught how to read?" πŸ™‹ πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

"How to write?" πŸ™‹ πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

"How to listen?" πŸ¦—

In my discernment ministry and healthcare work, I know that everything starts with listening to understand, not to respond. I wanted my students to be better listeners so that they could be change-makers in all areas of the workforce.

Enter Lightning Talks and the 2x2x2. These approaches show how deep listening can transform classrooms and personal growth, and they appear in the most recent issue of Journal of Response to Writing.

Why This Matters

  • Listening isn't just hearing wordsβ€”it's about understanding

  • Students learn empathy and self-awareness through structured listening activities

  • Deeper connections form when we give someone the gift of our full attention

Imagine a world where we listen to understand, not just to respond. This isn't just about listeningβ€”it's about human connection in an increasingly digital age.

Interested in exploring how listening practices can transform your organization? Let's connect for a discovery call.


Speaker Series Spotlight: Career and Change Management